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Here you can find our current partner locations. Note: we have new partners joining the revolution continually, hence this map keeps looking busyer by the day.


Keep up with the pace and look for the nearest Kamupoints on the map, where you can both grab a takeaway in KamuDish and return the used dishes back into circulation. 

Let's change the world together #OneMealAtATime

We want to act as a catalyst for new circular economy solutions, both in Finland and abroad. We keep working hard to fulfill our mission of becoming a new, mass-accepted way of consuming sustainably.

Want to partner up with Kamupak?
Are you a user?
Do you want to be a Kamupartner?
Want to invest in Kamupak?
Kamupakin applikaatio jolla voit lainata KamuAsioita napin painalluksella

We are renewing our app! 

Soon you can borrow KamuDishes, even multiple at the same time, free of charge!


When borrowing, you’ll agree to return the dishes within 14 days to one of our partner restaurants.

google play

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